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De Islamitische Staat (IS) heeft elf persregels ingesteld voor journalisten die werken in door IS-beheerste gebieden. Volgens de regels moeten journalisten trouw beloven aan de kalief en staat al hun werk onder supervisie van IS-persvoorlichters.
Nadat IS maandag een deel van de Syrische provincie Deir Ezzor veroverde moesten journalisten besluiten of zij wilde blijven of dat zij zouden vertrekken uit het gebied. Een groot deel heeft het gebied verlaten, maar Amer bleef in Deir Ezzor, zo vertelt hij aan
Syria Deeply. Hij bleef achter omdat hij vindt dat er verslag van binnenuit gedaan moet worden.
Dat verslag is wel aan voorwaarden gebonden. Amer: 'Er is een meeting geweest tussen journalisten en de IS-woordvoerders. Daar is besproken hoe journalisten moeten werken nu het gebied door IS gecontroleerd wordt.'
Uiteindelijk werden 11 regels opgesteld, waaraan journalisten zich moeten houden. Journalisten die het er niet mee eens zijn kunnen de IS-gebieden alsnog verlaten.
De regels van IS:
1. Correspondents must swear allegiance to the Caliph [Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi ... they are subjects of the Islamic State and, as subjects, they are obliged to swear loyalty to their imam.
2. Their work will be under the exclusive supervision of the ISIS media offices.
3. Journalists can work directly with international news agencies (such as Reuters, AFP and AP), but they are to avoid all international and local satellite TV channels. They are forbidden to provide any exclusive material or have any contact (sound or image) with them in any capacity.
4. Journalists are forbidden to work in any way with the TV channels placed on the blacklist of channels that fight against Islamic countries (such as Al-Arabiya, Al Jazeera and Orient). Violators will be held accountable.
5. Journalists are allowed to cover events in the governorate with either written or still images without having to refer back to the ISIS media office. All published pieces and photos must carry the journalist's and photographer's names.
6. Journalists are not allowed to publish any reportage (print or broadcast) without referring to the ISIS media office first.
7. Journalists may have their own social media accounts and blogs to disseminate news and pictures. However, the ISIS media office must have the addresses and name handles of these accounts and pages.
8. Journalists must abide by the regulations when taking photos within ISIS territory and avoid filming locations or security events where taking pictures is prohibited.
9. ISIS media offices will follow up on the work of local journalists within ISIS territory and in the state media. Any violation of the rules in place will lead to suspending the journalist from his work, and he will be held accountable.
10. The rules are not final and are subject to change at any time depending on the circumstances and the degree of cooperation between journalists and their commitment to their brothers in the ISIS media offices.
11. Journalists are given a license to practice their work after submitting a license request at the ISIS media office.